Post your Top 5 biggest wants here.

Bass Line 2

As you can tell I like organics.

In no particular order

Level 6

I feel like my wants are so less demanding to some of the others :smiley:

In no particular order:

Markmont Classic
Markmont Classic
Markmont Classic
Markmont Classic


1 Like
  1. Chik!
  2. Gradient
  3. YYJ theory
  4. String
  5. Valor
  1. MFD Forte
  2. sOMEThING Anglam CC(new ver.)
  3. YYR Draupnir
  4. OD Markmont.Classic
  5. YYR Jealousy


  1. DS Pride
  2. MFD Forte
  3. YYR Laser
  4. YYR Draupnir
  5. YYR Jealousy

Still looking for that jealousy aye?

  1. OG Peak
  2. First Run Five Star
  3. Bada$$ Essence
  4. Puffin
  5. Any Hatrick

1-4: real life things
5. palpitation


Markmont Classic
Irony JP Next (not what it’s called… just whatever the forthcoming iteration is)
'08 888

C3 Gungnir
YYM Antagonist
OD Markmont Classic

  1. Viszilla
  2. Markmont Classic
  3. Sovereign
  4. Ricochet
  5. The patina on my Next to get darker… Been in diet coke for around 40 hours so far, still not as dark as I want it. But so far so good, nice even patina forming.

Cause I’m creative.

I might have an 08 888 on the way, pretty sure it got lost in the mail though.

Puffin 2
Anglam CC
Space Cowboy

Updated version (getting more expensive):

  1. Cliff
  2. Arctic Circle 2
  3. SuperNova
  4. Gradient
  5. SuperStar
  1. usa 2014 genesis
  2. blue pulsar 2014 genesis
  3. tenyo wet whistle
  4. Total Artist’s collection
  5. a life…
  1. Puffin 2
  2. YYR Gleipner
  3. Werrd Irony JP
  4. TP Positron 2
  5. Anglam