Post your Top 5 biggest wants here.

Smooth move is sweet, save up for it…You will love it.

For me, these are timeless, and I want so badly

  1. Buzzon DV8
  2. Alchemy CU
  3. Hspin NVx
  4. Yoyojam KOS
  5. String Theory Orion

The Hspin Pyro would’ve been here, but I just got one in the mail today…SO sweet for A square-ish throw.

  1. Cliff
  2. Arctic Circle
  3. Chief (1st run)
  4. Gleipnir

But, being honest…almost all of the others are saying yoyos made in the last three years…I am Dissapoint. :stuck_out_tongue:

1- to go to equestria
2- a yyr dreadnoght
3-a girlfriend who like yoyos
4- guitar lessons
5-c3 alpha crash

I don’t know but I am getting The V, a Counter Attack, and a Fieata XX for Christmas

arctic circle
Code 1
yyj bag

  1. Puffin
  2. YYF 888x
  3. Duncan Yoyo glove
  4. YYJ pinnacle
  5. YYF loop 900

The only one of those I might change is the 888x. I’ve heard bad things about it. The 888.11 on the other hand, well, that thing’s just amazing. They are hard to come by lately but I have one in my BST if you want to check it out.

My 888x is great but not as good as some other throws in the same price range.

I meant for the price.

  1. CLYW Arctic Circle
  2. YYF Genesis
  3. One Drop Code 2
  4. CLYW Gnarwhal
  5. CLYW Puffin
  6. CLYW Chief
  7. Duncan Glove
  8. To Go to World’s
  9. YYF Roll Model
  10. YYJ DM2
  11. YYJ Hitman
  13. CLYW Beanie(: (Sorry did i few more than 5)

Code 2
alpha crash

hopefully i get my code 2 tuesday :slight_smile:

  1. One drop m1
  2. One drop project 2
  3. One drop code 2
  4. One drop y-factor
  5. One drop mark mont next

Asorada, please only post once. Otherwise people will just think you’re spamming.

  1. Cliff
  2. This semester to end
  3. 1st run gold Chief
  4. Blizzard Avalanche

1: Smooth move
2: monkey fist
3: Gharwhal
4: Metropolis
5: Markmont next

Comeback Avalanche
Arctic Circle
Y Factor

dude, it is spam…lol

He knew :slight_smile:

I know…I am going with the flow, Captain…lol

  1. Remate
  2. Sleipner
  3. Cliff
  4. Angle
  5. Chief
    A guy can dream, right?