Post your Top 5 biggest wants here.

  1. Money for yoyos
  2. More money for yoyos
  3. More money for yoyos
  1. Triton
  2. Punchline
  3. Cascade
  4. Wooly Markmont
  5. TiWalker
  1. Triton
  2. Summit
  3. Triton
  4. Summit
  5. Triton/Summit
  1. Purple with silver speckle AC
  2. ^same^
  3. ^^same^^
  4. ^^^same^^^
  5. ^^^^same^^^^


All of my wants are within a week of being fulfilled. The last thing I’ll want to complete my collection is a peak, and I’ll wait until I find the right one.

the thank you was from me, wrong account.

  1. Summit
  2. Cliff
  3. Another triton
  4. General yo majesty v2
  5. Gelada

I think I got OVER 9000!!!

(Can’t Wait for My Supernova)

  1. Septopus
  2. Red Diamondback
  3. Summit
  4. Solid Color Cliff (if they exist)
  5. X Aware

If you have any of these pm me :wink:

  1. Strix
  2. Barracuda
  3. Flow
  4. Rex
  5. CZM84VK

1.General-Yo Essence
2. Purple Mountain Majesty
3. Summit
4. Triton (aaauasgskdidek)
5. Positron

  1. Duncan Strix
  2. YYF HOT
  3. YYJ Theory
  4. Square Wheels Rex
  5. YYR Fragment or Blink

1 monkey fist
2 summit
3 wooly marmot
4 code 2
5 flow

AL7 Triton
No jive
Old butterfly
Old imperial

28 Stories Chief (already ordered it, but still XD)
SPYY Punchline
G2 Albatross

My summit to get here faster
A YYJ Theory
A DiBase (I’m not sure which version)
(Insert your favorite yoyo here)
(Insert your second favorite yoyo here)

  1. CLYW Chief
  2. General Yo Majesty
  3. YYF Genesis Doomsday
  4. YYJ H3X
  5. CLYW Avalanche

One drop Markmont next
Clyw chief
Yyf MVP2
Yyf primo
Yyf severe

As you can see, I am a yoyofactory fanboy!

YYF Ricochet
CLYW Cliff
YYJ Theory
C3 Capless
YYF Severe