One-piece Spinworthy Bloodcell and Knack for Sale ALL SOLD

I made these fresh today.

The Bloodcell weigbs 51g and the Knack is 48g.

Thesee are both turned from a single block of Tasmanian Blackwood.

The Bloodcell is a little slippier than I like, but probabaly just fine for most. Particularly those who like to experiment with response with beeswax etc. Poly strings may work very well on this one.

The KNack is just fantastic.

The Bloodcell is $100 shipped to the US and the KNack is $90 shipped to the US.


Bloodcell sold immediately.

The KNack is still available.


Pm’d (meant to send a private message accidentally sent public :sweat_smile:)

My bank account thanks you for posting this the weekend I was phone free


Somehow, it looks… eatable. Lol. Will it be available next month, or is it limited?