Spinworthy SpectraPly yoyos for sale ALL SOLD, PLEASE CLOSE

Hi everyone.

I have made 4 Bloodcells and a Knack from SpectraPly.

They are all one-piece (turned form a single block of wood). That is the way of Spinworthy nowadays.

They all weigh around the 53g mark. All play well.

Any of them are $100 USD shipped to the US. There may be an extra charge for other countries.

Pleas note that I won’t be able to ship for about a week due to needing more boxes.

Please let me know vi DM if you want to buy one.

Thanks for checking them out. :grinning:


Those look amazing! Great work.

Four sold. Photo updated accordingly.

All sold. Thank you everyone!


So fast.

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I woke up 5 hours after Glen made a sale post. Rough morning….


I gues now you US guys know how I feel when stuff releases in the States when I’m asleep only to find I’ve missed it in the morning. Lol

There will be more!


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