One Drop Fat Tire - New Colors!


ok that’s the best back drop that YYE has done yet


Thanks! Working from home lately so trying to find new different stuff for photos around the house.


That blue one is very nice

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I already have 3 and just have to stop looking at those new colors!


Been thinking about this design from a purely “comfort” perspective. Even my DV888 hurts my arthritic hand (covered with a glove) - wonder if this yoyo would be better for this eighth decade old guy?


I actually find this throw to be a bit uncomfortable. The rims are nice and wide and easy on the hand, but I find that my string finger gets sucked into the gap and kindof wedges in there. YMMV.

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Whoops, never would have thought that…


The response is really snappy (like I guess all One Drop yoyos are). It will fill up your hand. It doesn’t feel too heavy but maybe the full feel of it may not be good for you. Because you mentioned arthritis, do you prefer lighter throws?

What hurts are sharp edges hitting my hand. I would like to try the wide, flat edged Fat Tire design sometime. Just can’t quite cough up the price right now. Those colors shown at the beginning of this thread are beautiful!

What yoyos do you have that you prefer because of a lack of sharp edges?

Probably the least favorite of my 15 One Drop yoyos. Got it in a mystery box and just don’t like the wide rims. You get the negatives of a wide yoyo without the benefits of a wide catch zone.

None really. Even my smooth DV888 hurts because of my sore hands from building the addition on this house (actually a 5th wheel RV). Never thought about soreness caused by hammering and using other tools. Don’t get old! What’s taking so long is the supplies are limited because of covid-19 - many folks are at home and building something. Should finish soon if the additional boards can be delivered “soon” too.

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Don’t let these posts deter you @Tommy2! The Fat Tire is a super unique and fun throw that has a very comfortable feeling on the catch. Coming from someone who also has sore hands from a missing finger and from building my own house recently, I can guarantee that the Fat Tire will be more comfortable to catch than your Dv888 and offers a unique feel that’ll make you smile when you play it! I keep spike side effects on mine and particularly enjoy matador fingerspins on the Fat Tire. Happy Yoyo @Tommy2!