Now FS/FT - Icarus & Kuntosh! Price drops!

As before, cash is preferred. But im bored and impatient SO… opening up the floor to trade offers! Always looking for the floatiest of floaters (already have a float). But feel free to show me what you got. Will combine the two for a bundle trade in your favor.

Take both for $105 and I’ll throw in a MyTeRy ThRoWw! ($5-10 value)

MIB Docpop icarus with all xtras (icarus sticker not pictured but included)- $60 shipped f&f or +fees

NM OD Kuntosh- $50 same as before- has a few faint scuffs on the tan rim. Also has the slightest bit of vibe which is barely noticeable on the nail, and slightly noticeable on the end of the string.



Ughh want this so bad but don’t have the funds right now. I’m so sorry but I’m kinda hoping it stays around for a few days lol

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Get up with me when you know for sure its only gonna be a few days and I’ll hold it for you.

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Bump’d w\kuntosh

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Which SEs does it have?

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Great question! Actually thought I had a 3rd shot of it loaded up. It has silver flat caps though.

Picture added!


Bump with bundle deal!



4th of July bundle sale today only!



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