No inventory (ever)

I mean it’ll definitely be great to have some sort of indicator to say that they’ll produce more, but the thing is such an indicator is difficult to do. A lot of times, it’s about looking at the demand for yo-yos. For a restock, a brand will need an indication that there is sufficient demand to sell out the yoyo to make it worth the cost of making another run. Most yoyo companies can’t take the hit of a run not selling well, just look at ThrowDown with the Lucha Libre. That yoyo literally bankrupted the entire company because they couldn’t sell any and had to refund those that purchased the yoyo because of durability issues. For lots of yoyo companies, doing a run of yo-yos is a pretty big risk to take and they have to be accurate in predicting how well a yoyo would sell in order to continue staying in business. That’s why they work on releasing new yo-yos, because new yo-yos are more likely to sell better since they’re new and no one has tried them before. Plus, there’s usually a lot of hype generated in the build up to when a new yoyo is released, which would sell quite a number of yo-yos by itself already. By doing another run of an old yoyo, there is no hype and no novelty to help push sales, which makes rerunning yo-yos quite risky, unless the company knows for sure that the yoyo is legendary and is extremely sought after, like the Top Deck or the Kuntosh 5000QV. That’s why you only see popular yo-yos or yo-yos that sell well get reruns and most others will be a run and done type thing. If you want a rerun of a yoyo, you could try emailing the company and maybe once they get enough emails, they’ll do a rerun, just like how OneDrop is doing a rerun for the Top Deck because @yoyodoc emailed @da5id and pointed him to this thread.