Well, I think it is time to share this with you guys. I currently live in an apartment, and my parents and I think its time to get a house. We finally got an offer accepted on a nice house that seems really nice, and we’re moving.
I won’t be on YYE that much anymore, and won’t be selling strings during this time.
Don’t worry, I will get back to selling strings. But this is one time I really can’t. I’m not sure how long it will take, so don’t ask me that, but I estimate it maybe 2-3 months. I will be on for a while more. But I won’t be selling strings as of when I post this.
The people who already sent the money will be gotting their strings, though.
Nah, San JOSE!!! Cuz I’m here… anyways, just a question, how does moving affect your yoyoing production and forums? Is it because you won’t have internet?