Duncan wanted to create a playable XL sized yo-yo: something that plays and feels like a standard size yo-yo, something that glides on your string with no problem, but has all the benefits of an oversized design. The original metal drifter was always lightweight, floaty, and nimble in play so it made perfect sense to make an oversized version. The XL is just what they were aiming for. Even at close to 70g it still has a comfortable not-so-heavy feel on the string that just begs you to keep throwing.
I’ve never been much of a fan of big throws. This thing came pretty dang close though! For being as big as a school bus…it was pretty comfortable in the hand because it’s an organic. It’s SUPER smooth on the string, and for being as big as a blimp…it feels really light and floaty while playing.
But in the end…I just couldn’t get use to the size.
They make for a couple of excellent cereal bowls however!
Also $60 seems too high to me for this throw. I wonder how well they’ll end up selling.