This post is for southbound280 for our deal to trade my MIB Wolf Lake Peak and MIB Blue Jay Canvas for his MIB BBB Orca.
I’ll be sending the Peak
and the Canvas
and southbound280 will be sending me his MIB BBB Orca.
I just want to thank southbound280 for being a great person to deal with!
U might want to drop the prices lol I just got a bvm2 grey bip bop with one ding for $90
Well his are mint not dinged
sorry for the bump
Doesn’t mean that it’s worth $90 dollars more. And it’s 1 ding not dings*
will you through in a few strings on a puffin?
You, Sir, deserve and extra bump. Those prices are ridiculously awesome on the FG’s.
is the summit mint and the artic circle and the chief
is the summit in mint condition beaucause im realy interested in bying
I think He means “Buying”.
what would you give for electric bacon summit
Hey I’m interested in the puffin fg blizzard edition that was 45 dollars. Pm me if u want to go through with the sale