My SoCal freestyle

Hey guys so i wanted to post my freestyle from socal cause i think that the video that joey shot is pretty amazing and i thought you might not be able to find it since its on vimeo

Please tell me what you think especially about the horizontal stuff cause i invented all of those tricks and would love to hear some feedback

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And if ya don’t know now ya know.



awesome dude!

:open_mouth: im speechless

Yeah that was awesome.

What place did you get?

That Vid turned Out Amazing. I Really Enjoyed watching your Slacks and Stuff. :wink:

i got 6th

beast all i got to say is BEAST

nice stuff man
u got to work more on tech with those horizontal
other than that
quite amazing

wait california states already happened

no no the socal contest did, california states isn’t until march 5th

That was awesome. Haha i actually put it on facebook. The horizontals, ending trick and whip combo’s were awesome.

That’s just to awesome! You did great, and those horizontals are the most creative horizontals I’ve ever seen before. That was too good man!

Wow :o, that was awesome… I have not seen horiz. skills like that for a while. Great job