MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Yeah i think in candy rain i had a similar problem with my free hand wrap not behaving the way i expected… i’l keep my fingers outward… sounds like it might be mer problem (my strings might have slipped .off the front during one of the last hops.

I find all hops work better with kendema legs. If they work at all…
I love this trick!

Edit… another one hr session just for a close 20 sec video! I threw blackl hops dozens of times just for this almost shot! I continue to miss one different minor detail everytime… CONSISTENCY!


Completely unrelated. Not sure if you guys saw this on another thread but it’s the Jason Sling from week 2 except slightly more intense… very doable. @ 2min 37 sec there is a great angle of the whole thing at 25% SlowMo makes it easier to follow.


It’s very awkward feeling and it took me a long time. I always feels I am doing the slings slowly but when I stand sideways in front of a mirror I see that my slings look faster than they feel. The fluidity is key.
Edit: he also grabs a bunch of string in his throw hand to shorten it. Just noticed that. He just posted 2 new frontstyle vids on his channel.


Thanks for posting this originally… I’ve been playing with it since u posted it. No where near anything but it lin looks awesome!


I agree on the second half.

I can get the first half just about every try and still feel like a derp hopping back.

Its kind of hard to explain, but it seems easier trying to keep the yoyo centered in the mount while hopping back instead of trying to hop from side to side onto the catching index.

Also, game on @AKYOYOMIKE ! I tried this a couple times and think I can make it work backwards as in start from triple or nothing, hop off into jacks slack (eliminating the half of black hops I cant do lol), then end in a reverse hook


Talk about OCD i threw this trick non stop , probably 30 times a day (only benefit to not working i guess) but I NAILED IT!.. tried to hit 2 in a row… thank god for editing😁

also @ChrisFrancz im working in that Dylan sling and i was able to land into the GT (ugly but clean) .if thats possible.


That looked great! Those slings are killers but to me worth it was worth it to learn because they look awesome!


The double wrap on the sling in nuts. But both those elements (GT and sling) look really nice in front style.
I got an ugly video of it im sort of impressed by.

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It’s just a missed split bottom mount. Sometimes I will just do 3 slings forward and then reverse them which puts me back into split bottom mount and then I will sometimes do slings on my NTH.


I think u just blew my mind. U mean the sling wraps around the NTH finger?
Glad i got my banshee in hand


Yeah, around NTH but just flips around my NTH index finger. When the yoyo is hanging straight down / out getting a missed SBM on my NTH index finger and whipping the yoyo forward 2 or 3 times… it’s in Dylan’s video. It’s too hard to explain and I don’t want to hijack this thread. Good job on a frontstyle GT!!!


Very impressive @AKYOYOMIKE!! :smiley: You really sunk a ton of effort into this week’s trick! Nice job man!


Yeah you are doing fantastic dude


So I haven’t made a whole lot of progress this week…
And yet…I still think it was a really good week for me.
Decided to take a bit of a break, and though I might not have made a whole lot of progress…I have been practicing each day and have been having a lot of fun.
I needed a bit of a breather. Sometimes we all have to take a step back from our passions in life.

I have a pretty cool trick lined up for this upcoming week! It’s another tough one…and yet, it seems very doable to me.
It also looks like it might be a fun one to work on. At least I’m hoping it is! lol

I’ll be posting the trick a bit later today!

No progress videos this week from me…but I’m looking forward to this upcoming week!


Trick-A-Week Challenge Week #18: Chopstick Tower

So this week we’re going with another chopstick trick! I really enjoy picture tricks and I’d love to get into more chopstick tricks as I slowly progress…this one looks deceptively easy, but I think it’ll prove to be a real challenge or those of us who aren’t already experienced with chopsticks!

Let me know what you guys think! :smiley:

And here’s a tutorial on how to get into the Thumb Mount Chopstick mount:

lol…don’t you just love how the dude’s doing these with a slim responsive plastic? Makes it look SO easy!! haha :face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Excellent choice my man :slight_smile:

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That’s an excellent choice indeed. It is the first tower I learned when I started. I love picture tricks, I will post some inehrent video for sure this week.


I always love seeing your videos!

…except for the part where most of them lack kitty! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sounds like a Spinstar

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This is the first tower-from-trapeze that I learned. Great pick! Especially because now I have more time to catch up with all the earlier tricks I missed.