MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

twitch77 and moonagemin
I have to say this challenge has forced me to practice what i didn’t do for 20 years. (I’d throw the same routine all the time, no practice sessions) THANK YOU.
Also ive been practicing starting the yoyo from a stop with out a snap (i got that on video too!)
This is my attempt at combining some superflow and mexican duck… ignore the beer and kids naping blanket.

Super mexican duck flow


Nice that’s the whole point of this challenge!
I’m glad Twitch is making me stop putting chopsticks off and actually learn this thing :slight_smile:


And here I thought you were just kidding with the whole “mexican-speed-duck superflow-pond-combo” thing! haha :smiley:

Super cool that you were able to capture this on video! :smiley:

And that’s way awesome that you’ve been inspired to step out of your ‘same old’ routine and start learning some new things! :smiley:

…oh also…I see green yo-yo, I auto-love video! lol :fist_right: :boom: :fist_left:


This week is totally kicking my butt.

I keep having these moments of insight…like I’m right about to get the chopstick mount down.
But these moments are VERY brief…then I’m back to square one.
And I keep feeling like I’m making BACKWARDS progress.

I’m falling behind, and it’s hard not to feel bad about that.

Just had another very frustrating practice session.
I feel like I’ve made pretty much zero progress on this trick at this rate. /sigh
I have kinda almost sorta completed the trick a few times, but those are with having to do multiple attempts at getting into the chopstick mount before finishing the rest of the trck…so I don’t really count that as completing the trick.

I’m not giving up on this trick. But I gotta be honest here…I’m feeling pretty deflated this morning.


Here’s the best attempt I have on camera so far.
lol ran out of spin at the end…took me a couple of attempts to land it in the mount… /grrrr!

I’ll keep working at it this weekend…but this one’s kicking my butt!!


We should learn this trick soon.

Looks easy enough. Could probably get it down in just a day or 2…

lol :flushed:


Here’s me toying around with Superflow from earlier this morning too.
I keep saying I’m going to learn to edit…haha but I’m too lazy to learn! xP
I really should learn how to do something though…these harsh cuts are horrible!!

This one’s going to take me awhile…and I think I’m okay with that. It’s a fun enough trick to work on. And thanks for the tips on the binding up/snapping back mid trick @MoonageMin. I’m having much less issues with that now.
I’m still having a very difficult time adjusting the string on my none throw hand in the middle of the trick. I’m not sure how to do it quickly…maybe it’ll just start happening eventually with enough time and practice?


Don’t get down on yourself, everyone has different speeds to learn different tricks. I’m embarrassed to admit how long gyroscopic flop and Brent Stole took me. Let’s not even mention SuperFlow.

The challenge should challenge us but not push us away from the fun of yoyo. Remember, with enough time and practice, all tricks are achievable.


Yeah for example you guys are doing chopsticks and even the full duck pond.
I am still struggling with basic chopsticks mount lol


Love this quote :slight_smile:

I think for me right now…this Trick-A-Week challenge is less about being able to master each trick within the week…and more about just pushing myself while working on a bunch of cool new tricks. I don’t need to nail each trick each week. The more important thing is just spending time practicing towards the tricks and pushing myself.
And I fully plan on continuing to work on some of the tricks well past the week we dedicate to them. Like I’ll be working on Kamikaze, Superflow and now this Duck Pond well into the future.

This fills me with a TON of encouragement haha. I’m serious. :heart:
It’s easy for me to get caught up in my own head and to start feeling like I’m falling really far behind everyone…
So to know others are right there with me in the struggles…is awesome. lmao…that sounds so bad!

So thanks for struggling?? :stuck_out_tongue: :fist_right: :boom: :fist_left: :rofl:


Yeah I think each of us struggle more or less with different tricks. For me it’s chopsticks lol


Well…in your defense as well…it’s been a really busy week for you with the holidays and your lovely family and all.


Hehe thank you :slight_smile:


This is the most important post on this topic!!!


The Mexican duck is a dabbling duck in the genus Anas which breeds in Mexico and the southern United States. Most of the population is resident, but some northern birds migrate south to Mexico in winter. It is a bird of most wetlands, including ponds and rivers, and usually feeds by dabbling for plant food or grazing.


Ok, I’m going in reverse on this trick. I had the chopsticks down, but I kept messing up the gyro flop. I’m at my brother’s house using my nephew’s Yomega Maverick (that I gave him) and I’ve got the gyro bit down, but I am having a hell of a time hitting the chopsticks mount. It should be easier with such a small yo-yo.

Must have just been getting lucky last night. With the chopsticks anyway…


haha yeah…I keep going back and forth on this one too! xP


It is a fun one though. It’s definitely one I’ll keep working on whether I get it down this week or not.


Well not progress on the trick a week but progress in general.
Trying to overcome my fear/shyness for yoyoing in public one step at a time.
Today was yoyo on a moving train.


Nice Kamikaze rolls. You said you were having a hard time with those, but you’ve got em now, and on a peopled train no less.

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