Mistakes I make learning tricks

I have come to a point in leaning basic tricks from the yo-yo tutorial videos from websites and the forum community. I am a very average player / thrower / yo-yoer… what is the consensus on that by the way?

I wanted to add something to the forum to help is some way with my limited knowledge and capabilities. I make a lot of mistakes I am good at mistakes. I have put together a few tips for those moments of frustration that will inevitably turn into accomplishment with repetition and practice.

Basic mistakes I make in learning basic tricks from tutorial videos.

1st. I do not watch all of the tutorial including all the supper slow motion.

2nd. I do not pay close enough attention to the video and the written instructions on the screen. Most yo-yo tutorials are done to get you successful if they say this part is important it usually is.
** A simple and most likely the 1st time a new thrower may come in contact with this situation is the throw hand thumb position in magic drop.
After I watched carefully and listened to what was stressed in a tutorial video I was able to start hitting the rejection. It lead to new difficult part landing in the correct string, in true Yo-Yo fashion. This pattern will repeat most of time when learning new difficult tricks or trick elements.

3rd. When I have watched all the videos, I can visualize all the steps key points. I am using a non expensive forgiving throw, and I give it a throw. I start off TOO FAST way too fast. I always have to slow down.

Helpful thinking in all of this for me has been, the timing not being fast, deign on time, being in position, arc of the ball being thrown to a moving receiver or hitting the note on time, like in dragging or rushing the notes. I seem too rush at first then go too slow then see the position and try and make that mark. Some combination of these is what helps me when trying to learn a new basic trick.

4th. 48 hour breaks help me, and some times longer like a reboot fresh hands kind of thing.

Hope this helps new throwers others that are trying to learn basic tricks or trick elements with tutorial video’s they have helped me improve when I pay attention and practice.