Midwest Regionals


I might ladder.


Anyone going?

I’ll be there!!! YEAH!! ROCK ON MIDWEST (MN, Specificly)! 8)

I would love to go but money here is kind of tight due to the furlows (sp) at my dad’s work for a few weeks.

the mer contest? i think im goin’ :slight_smile:

At mall of America this Saturday…

Is Zam going? I saw his BST, hope he gets enough to make it, he’s awesome.

Hey guys, I am leaving in about… 2 minutes.

Wish me luck, I am doing ladder but I can’t get Pop n Fresh and Iron whip and sometimes Boingy so I am just practicing boingy a ton, I have to play up in the ladder because there is only 3 people my age competing in the ladder…

Wish you all good luck at DXL!!

Good luck, Evan! I hope you have a great time. ;D

Born crucial is a sponsor? ???

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i wish i could go!!! :frowning:

Hey guys, just got back, I am making a post right now about it…