Mickey's 2005 WYYC combo help?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvG3IK-hzRs Anyone care to or can explain what he just did in 2:45-2:50? All I see is 5 seconds of pure WIN

In case you haven’t noticed the replies to countless posts with the same question, do you expect anyone to be able to see and analyze completely how to do a trick that fast that has no tutorial?
Next time before you ask something pointless like this, wonder:can I figure this out myself? Is it nearly impossible to answer this question?

Here’s my suggestion for you:
Watch the combo until you can’t watch it anymore;and I mean it. Then try to come up with something similar to that.
Download some third party program and slow down the video frame by frame.

People shouldn’t ask how to do a combo just learn the tricks you find difficult and put them in a combo you can do and like. People who usually ask these questions end up getting flamed (in my experince anyway). Ask how to do a trick you like the look of or slow down the vid and watch it till you get it down. Mickey wouldn’t be as great as he is if just anybody could do it. So good luck with it :slight_smile:

I already smell smoke here. Blergh. The reason I asked is because I totally couldn’t get anything from it. Oh well. Might as well forget it.

I have an idea…instead of people being complete jerks and responding to someones request with pure negativity, how about just try and help the person out?

@smartboy: you tell him not to expect people to be able to analyze a fast trick with no tutorial, yet your suggestion is to do exactly what you said he shouldn’t expect people to do? Seriously? And he already realized that he can’t figure it out himself, so that’s why he asked the question. His question wasnt pointless, your criticism was. Asking for help is respectable, but unnecessary rudeness isn’t.

Ronin is pretty much right. You’re probably not going to be able to get the full combo down in exactly the same way as Mickey, because that’s just what makes Mickey who he is. But, you can definitely slow the video down and analyze it. Get the gist of it down, learn the basic mechanics of it, and incorporate it into your own style.

There are programs and websites that allow you to capture Internet videos and then play them back at much slower speeds in order to see some of the finer details. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tutorial or explanation for that particular segment of freestyle, but I could be wrong. Your best bet seems to be the slow down and analyze method. Good luck!

I sense that I have just been flamed.
Anyways, there really is no way to see what Mickey’s doing in those 5 seconds of awesomeness, just come up with your own combo like Ronin said