MIB #7 of 21 Lab Experiment (price lowered) $105

Hey guys I was lucky enough to purchase a Lab Experiment when they dropped awhile back and since its such a rare product I haven’t really touched it and well honestly Id rather have a yoyo that im going to use. I have my eye on a specific throw and im looking to get $115 Shipped with insurance for this Mint Lab Experiment Lucky number 7, I will also include a set of AL dietz SE as well. Im looking to purchase a Nickel Cascade with the funds acquired from this throw.

Jason “Bananas”

Bae Weight (two halves, response pad, bearing): 60.30 grams
Weight with aluminum Dietz Side Effects: 63.30 grams
Width: 39.07mm
Diameter: 50.42mm
Stock Response: Flow Groove
Gap Width: 4.34mm
Bearing Size: Large © stainless steel (One Drop 10 Ball Bearing)
Finish: Pyramatte

Price lowered to 105 shipped in us only