Mental image of the person above you thread!

my image of Mr. yoyoguy

hey no fair!



small shoulders
loves to smile
slightly annoying
long “middle school” hair that gets slighlty curly at the end that you will cut to a fauxhawk/buzzcut soon as you progress through high school

Close ,except for the hair.

small shoulders
loves to smile
slightly annoying
SHort-ish hair
High school

Kinda short
Medium length light brown hair
average build
Green eyes
not pale, but not tan, either, right in between.

Fairly tall
skinny build
brown medium length hair
wears skinny jeans, a belt, a t-shirt with some sort of logo, and a simple sweater

The typical german look

woman, slash, man short, gothic, thinks he/she,is cool but weird, fs in school, and smokes.

soooooo wrong.

Wavy long blond hair
super skinny
5th grader

even through my sig and avatar, all wrong lol. 'cept for the hair

I have no idea D:
if he looks anything like his avatar;
long dirty blond hair
about 5’1, ~120lbs
skater dude
huge smile

yes no yes yes. that avatar is a pic of me

the guy in your avatar :stuck_out_tongue:

cheater haha. btw like your sig

it feels kinda pointless…

A person with brown hair and blue eyes

A popin lockin poka doting donut