I’ve collected almost every single YYR model, I guess it is time to let most of them go.
Prices are shipped within US / Canada.
Prices in USD,
PayPal F&F or please cover the fees.
Some of them are minty mint, others are not.
Since most of them are +10 years old, they may have some degree of damage or vibe.
Feel free to message me for further info / pics.
Open to negotiation.
From top left:
Attune: $160
Stardust2: $120
Stardust: $180
Perfect Star: Gone
Reclash: $180
New Stargazer: $130
Mr. Butcher: $160
Overdrive Draupnir 2+: $280
Old Stargazer: Gone
Triplet: $160
Messiah: $130
ClashCube: Gone
Sleipnir: Gone
Chopsticks Gorilla (black): $130
Chopsticks Gorilla (Green): $150
Z-ON: $160
Dreadnought G: $180
Dreadnought: $160
Syfo: $120
Old Valkyrie: $190
New Valkyrie: $120
Onslaught: $150
Dreadnought Prototype: $80
Z-ON Prototype: $80