Looking to trade for a graviton or ti triton! Someone hit me up! I’ll make it worth ur while Anti-yo themed ZERO! arcade stick ps control. Beach party gorge! Baryon and more

Asking price is $150 obo
Clique SOLD FOR $125
Yo-yo is near mint.

Okay I have some more yo-yos for sale. One of the only other yo-yos I’d consider trades for is a GRAVITON in raw or green/gold

These next two are literally two of my favorite yo-yos of all time. And it took me for ever to finally hunt down this one.
Beach Party CLYW Gorge minty- $120
YYF Baryon minty- $70
OD M2 minty- $45
General Yo torrent 2 minty- $40 SOLD

Almost forgot I added the antiyo themed ZERO $80 minty

Also selling my arcade hit stick game control! I bought this brand new years ago and used it for line 3 days and ended up moving out of that apartment and this went into storage and I forgot all about it. It’s still in new condition. No idea what to list it for just hmu if ur interested. Well work something out.
Also have these two cheap little retro gamers I’ll throw in either one for free with any purchase, while supplies last.



Clique and torrent 2 sold

Gona be removing this entire listing in a couple hours. I got what was needed and didn’t want to sell any of these really anyway. So if there’s something u want I would swoop it now or forever hold ur peace.

Willing to trade either for a graviton or to triton. Will trade multiples for one.

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