Looking for: CLYW- Gnarwhal, Wooly Marmot 1/2, Chief, Sasquatch, Arctic Circle 1, Summit
B-Grades/Fools Gold/Beat are welcome!
(Please include the colorway,asking price, and condition)
Thank you!
Looking for: CLYW- Gnarwhal, Wooly Marmot 1/2, Chief, Sasquatch, Arctic Circle 1, Summit
B-Grades/Fools Gold/Beat are welcome!
(Please include the colorway,asking price, and condition)
Thank you!
bump added a few more to my list
bumppy Got my Banshee and Chief. Still looking for and SF and now a Unprld Corruption! ;D
bump looking for some plastics!
Bump, updated thread hopefully it will clear up some confusion
bump, broke my phone this morning
Bump! Added prices ;D
bump, Banshee has been sold!
bump got two new throws on the way, bump
bump, new Banshee up
Bump, Got some goodies coming in the mail today ;D
bumppy Sparrow has been traded
bump prices have been updated
bumpp, chief pls