LF splash turning point, g2 swirl or Ti pelican, yyr sigtyr or SF bliss. Thanks!

Hi all,

Looking to see if I can find some splash turning points (bimetals in particular), g2 swirls (or a cool triton?), G2 Ti pelican, yyr sigtyr, A-rt D7, or SF Bliss in Angelo Fade. Happy to talk trades or cash, whatever floats your boat! Thanks for considering!


Bro I don’t have any of those wants

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any splash bimetals out thereeeeeeee?


bumpin for the weekend!

Whitecaps found (!) but still hunting others :slight_smile:

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bump for the weekend :slight_smile: Let’s make some deals!


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Bump up the jamz

I am also looking for sigtyr, the original poster is preferred


bump it up

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