LF: Small throws!

Hey! I am looking for some smaller/ undersized throws. Preferable 66% percents!
ones i had on my list
888 66%
Pyro 66%
Little Confusion
Edge Beyond 66%
ZP, Possum

Let me know! Doesnt have to be one of these, im open to others!

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I have a Ti Executive that I’m trying to sell. I also have a normal executive that I might let go.

too rich for my blood :sweat_smile:

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The YYF Five should be on your list

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Not on your list but I have a FD canary for sale on the cheap if that strikes your fancy. Happy hunting!

Thank you! unfortunately its not small enough

Hey there! I have:

Pink mini confusion w/ hubstacks

ZGRT Janus blue and grey splash- multiple side effects including orange spikes

General yo ministar 2 red purple nebula

And then kinda smaller is David yo-yos dreamland, bimetal, D bearing

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pm’d you!

The 66% edge beyond’s are actually still in stock.

I have an Assassin for sale

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