LF : MFD, I was not quick enough for todays drop and am sour about it so sell me yours pretty please!


I once again struck out on todays MFD drop. I really really wanted one of those pumpkins ones.

I’m sad. Do you happen to have one to sell that’s getting no play? Maybe you bought two tonight and are waiting for them to come in to see the colorways and then sell the lesser favorite one?

Maybe you have a double that you wouldn’t mind selling me so I don’t cry myself to sleep tonight?

I’ve never been able to purchase directly from MFD but I currently own a Forte, BSP and the One Drops/MFDs colab.

Anything other than those I would be happy to send you money asap for a fair price.

Thanks :melting_face:

Your friendly neighborhood rapper,


I’m sorry to hear that. They went quick, like four minutes! I ended up with my first MFD, a Gelada Jack’s Nightmare. I thought I blew it when i didn’t realize, right away, that you had to reenter the Zoo password. Better luck next time!


Thanks! I won’t give up :grimacing:

Added to my cart Twice and it didn’t update so I checked out and it was gone as I went to pay, you win some you lose some it’s all good I hope everyone that got one enjoys them.

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Better luck to us next time.

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