LF: Gsquared,DEADLY SpINS, Square Wheels, CLYW

I have $75 to work with. Maybe more by Sunday. If you have something but want more than $75 let me know and I’ll try to work something out.

G-Squared Quake,Albatross,Nessie(AL7 is awesome)

DEADLY SpINS Wrath & Pride

Square Wheels Rex & Royale

CLYW Wooly Marmot & Canvas

Also beat to heck Peaks and FG Peaks are awesome so long as they don’t massively vibe.

Just got rid of my orange JK northstar. Sorry man!


Haha…Sorry…sold it for $20.

I got a MIB Orange Northstar!!

  • YoYo Factory Northstar, orange, NEW, with box, the Jensen Kimmit signature series, used 3 or 4 times, it has still the original pads, it comes with the YYF Center Trak Bearing.
    30$ + shipping
