If you have a green or orange Jensen Kimmit Edition Northstar and are willing to let it go for a reasonable price. Hit me up.
They don’t really see much play time really. They’re great but just not quite for me.
YYF Cypher(Nearish Mint) 9.5/10 smoothness: $35
YoyoJam Diamond Back 2 (some scratches and dings) 8.5/10 smoothness: $55
YoyoJam Transcend (dings all over) some vibe. 7/10 smoothness: $25
FG Orca (Solid Gold) FG for vibe, has some dings on it, it’s hard to describe the vibe, but I’ll give it about 7.5/10 smoothness: $old
Recess Weekend ( some scuffs and one majorish ding.) 7.75ish?/10 smoothness: $old
YYF G5. beat and some vibe: $20
Honestly take the whole thing for $100 shipped and I’ll just throw in the G5 for free. That’d be great for me.
I’d really just prefer to sell it all as a bundle.
I’d rather not just sell one throw separately as I really want to come up with the money fast.
Let me know if interested and also of you want more detailed photos.
Prices are slightly negotiable.
Only shipping in U.S. SORRY!!
Hi Friend!
How much you’re willing to pay for a absolutely new Orange Northstar?