LF - G2 Workhorse V1 and Ti Respawn or other Respawns

Almost any G2 Respawn. I will purchase and or trade. Please message me with details.



That’s probably going to be a difficult hunt.

There were only a handful of V1 protos made and only slightly more v2 protos. And they are all in the hands of people that, I think, will be unlikely to relinquish them.

You might have better luck after the production preorder starts shipping out.

Best of luck on your search! I really hope you find them. They are incredible. V2/production model is definitely the better player, but they are both worth owning imo

Just saw Mr. @MattC has a V2 for sale a few minutes ago.


Was just going to reply that here Matt Mullins has one up

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I sent @MattC a PM

Thanks everyone.

@Yodaddyo I pre-ordered two.

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Oh heck yeah!

I forgot how Matt goes through yoyos :joy:

If you’re real persistent and offer something real nice, he might come off the v1 I traded him awhile back, if he still has it.

He’s, technically, not supposed to trade or sell it to anyone but me, as per our trade agreement, but, I guess, this is my OFFICIAL public statement that,

I, Seth McNeeley, officially release @MattC from said agreement. lol, if he wants to get rid of it and hasn’t already, that is.


:laughing: Well it would have a good home with me.

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Bump for a V1.

Bump :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately, can confirm. Any/all workhorses will stay with me until I die. Considering being buried with them. Besides the RBC, Workhorse has been one of my favorite responsive throws.

Fwiw, V2 is streets ahead of V1. If, big if, I were to sell one or the other, it would be the V1, hands down


Thanks to MattC I have a V2. I mostly collect responsive throws and the V1 would be a great addition.

For sure. Don’t get me wrong, in terms of performance, v2 is streets ahead of v1, but in rating the difference is 9.99991+/-0.0009 vs 9.99989+/-0.0009, respectively, out of ten (but I’m biased).

But, I suppose, for a collector, rating’s doesn’t matter.

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For sure… I have two RevGs… lol I play most of my collection. I even throw one of the Revs once in while.

Other G2 throws added.


I have a mint G2.Ti Triton V1 in dark anno too! Take a look:
