Lf; duncan hornet

When i ordered the other store mysterybox those goofy PEOPLE gave me a duncan hornet but only one i will be open to any trade offers $10 or under
throws i would be willing to trade;
Replay pro
yyf plus (yotricks edition)
yyf wedge

Huh?? What happened?


I ordered mystery box, i got only 1 duncan hornet, i need another one, so i am on here (im not throwing shade on that other store i just thought it was hilarious.)



now raising offers to 20 dollars

Wait… don’t Hornets retail for less than $20? Why would you pay $20 on BST? They are $13 on YYE right now, in stock.


yes however i was wanting to see if i could trade anything for one. before i make another order

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