Hey guys,
Looking to sell or trade for yoyos below. I use paypal, goods and services option is fine. Prices include shipping.
I’m still looking for a few older pieces (and some newer) that I had sold years ago and have regretted it since! Can do cash for all. I don’t mind some damage as I am buying these to play them HARD, but wobble is no good! Please no intense vibe!
- Monkeyfinger Evil-Yo - any playable condition or colorway
- Ape-X
- Forte
- YYF OG Mutant DNA - looking for the pink w/ green version
Team Losi Cherry Bomb - grey (silver-ish?) color, no damage. Weight rings installed, including a second set in case you want to rip them out. Including the original packaging (it’s ripped) - $20 SOLD
Victor Gravitsky Protostar - clear with gold glitter speckle, gold colored rims. No damage. $25 SOLD
Thanks for your time!