The current record for most people online ever is 86. I say we break this record. So pm everyone possible :slight_smile: and tell/paste this message:

Monday, June 8, 2009 at 5:00 PST we are going to break a record at YYE. The current record for most people online ever is 86. So, on Monday, June 8, 2009 at 5:00 PST we will all get on YYE and do anything here on YYE. Forums, start a topic like “Who’s online tonight?”. Prepare to set a record on Monday, June 8, 2009 at 5:00 PST. Now, you can tell someone else.

Or if you wan’t make one up like this, but be sure to include the important details. I would just think it would be interesting to see what happends. I don’t know, what do you think?

Obiously no one is interested. :’( >:( ??? ;D

Maybe, but im in singapore, and your evening is my early morning.

I am ;D

rsmod123- Sorry, :'(. But, you could send the message to some members.

Shisaki417- You can help by spreading the word (pm, etc.)


I will spread the word in chat, PMs, etc…

I’m always on here no matter what :smiley:

me to ;D

C’mon everyone, lets set a record!

Thanks you guys. Anyone else care to help set a record?

I’m in! :wink:

Thanks! Help by pm ing people, email, chat, etc.

I’m always logged in on my PS3, so…

me three. ;D

Happy Throwing! =]

Whoa! PS3 has internet?

Happy Throwing! =]

Didn’t know?

Yeah, it’s pretty sweet, it’s just harder to use than my parents’ computer.

Starscream88- You were offline at 10:24 PST ;D

im in

im in, get ready to set the record in about 25 mins. ;D