Hey you guys this is my first post i know many of you well…maybe not many but some of you guys need help making combos and thing like that ive had some trouble my self and at that point i realy felt like quiting but i didnt so im gona make some trick Tutorials for you who need help my first tutorial i didnt like to well but ill get started on some as soon as possible im doing this for the ones who need help there will be some good tutorials for some made up tricks i made my self some are easy some are intermidiate some hard ill mark it down on the title in whatever it falls under i wont be doning easy then intermidate then hard ill do random order. kk heres my

So Go to YOUTUBE and Type in EXTREMEYOER are just click here if it show up


I hope i can help im gona make the tutorials as god as possible its your guys choice voice or instuctional words reply to this on deciding Ill try getting first one up by March, 15 or 16

I may not need it. However, im interested in seeing how you teach it. Possibly I will learn something new.

Sorry  :wink:

Also, sorry guys for leaving unfinished projects. They will be finished this weekend, as I have several videos and stuff to upload.

C’mon, now. Let’s not hijack threads.