Kids of this generation are losing out!

One of my coworkers associated my Yeti with a Duncan Butterfly. I see it kind of like this: It’s round, on a string and is still essentially going out and returning to my hand wound back up. If it’s round like a yoyo and spins like a yoyo, and returns like a yoyo, it’s most likely a yoyo :slight_smile:

I’ve seen YYF One yoyos at my local Toys R Us (good size toy store in the Northeast US). They also had one Velocity (key word “had”, my son & I bought it on sight).

Sad thing is my local independent toy and hobby shop has only Duncan yoyos. I’ve suggested they consider some decent entry level yoyos, but, fully understand them not wanting to take the chance.

i got so close to teaching my friend but he was frustrated because he didn’t have a good enough sleeper

I’m glad to say that my nieces (even the one in kindergarten) know what yoyos are as they see me all the time with them doing these modern tricks. One of my nieces wanted to give one a try so I let her try my Velocity. If only I knew it would be something she’d stick with, I’d go and get her one. She was excited though when she finally did her first clean sleeper. But kids being kids, they’ll be interested in 1 thing one week, then something else the next week.

Very true, Gumball.

But I find on the whole these days that yoyo can remain interesting to kids far longer than it used to.

Back in the day, you got your Coke yoyo, learned walk the dog, rock the baby and Eiffel tower and your were done. Then the fad wore off.

Nowadays there is so much more to learn to keep it interesting, so it is potentially less of a cyclic fad.

I have Aton of friend who underestimated the power of a yoyo​:joy::joy:

I’m a kid and to spread the word I take all my yoyos to school and teach other students

Yep, but at least 150 (actually more) discover yo-yo at my HS school each year, I play almost each passing period and during my yard duty… and when a student (or staff) shows interest, I’m not shy at all about lending out a throw… if they come back and show me a bind, they can keep it and then I toss in some free strings, and a lifetime package of free lessons and maintenance :wink:

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