KageKira's Début: 2 Month's Yoyo Video

No cuts. This is practice for my performance at YLC 2010 (Youth Leadership Conference) at Rice University around June. You think I can pull it off?
Sorry about the camera, I can’t find a way for it to stop auto-focusing.
Sorry for bad quality too, the original file was 20 gigs >.<’’
I ended up over-compressing the file and was lazy to wait another 30 minutes for it to render…

Yoyo: YoyoFactory Superstar (Jensen Kimmitt Edition)
Song: Train- Hey, Soul Sister
Camera: Canon Powershot SX20 IS

I decided to leave the original audio in because I think the sound of the yoyo gives the video more character.

Negative feedback appreciated.  :stuck_out_tongue:


quite a good vid except the auto focus got a bit annoying and your tricks could have been faster but other than that great vid! and nice song choice its one of my favorites :slight_smile:

Great video. The auto focus didn’t really bother me that much. Really good for only two months. :wink:

Nice, really good for two months. but next time don’t wear a white shirt.

well i’d give you negative feedback but i can’t think of anything… i mean, it’s not the best i’ve ever seen, but for 2 monthes that was beastly.

Negative feedback:

Positive feedback: Dude that was beastly for 2 months and I liked the auto-focus it made you look better during your tricks.Thx so for the song choice because I was waiting for somebody to play that 'cause I was.But overall that was the video I’ve seen for 2 months even better than coughBuddhaFusioncough.And a great song choice. ;D ;D :wink: :wink: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Nice hat

This was a “on-the-spot” thing…I was just going to see how everything was looking, but then I just decided to film this while my camera was out.

And thanks a bunch guys. I still have a lot to work on though, and I’ll keep your suggestions in mind.