Hi guys, if you like competing but dont have the time or money to make it to as many competitions as you’d like to then sign up for Trickster. We are an online community of voters and competitors and our fourth competition is now open for submissions! Here’s the link to sign up: Competition 4 Signup
I submitted my video. I can’t wait to see how far I can make it.
Side-question for Trickster: Can my brother make a video and submit it using my Youtube account even if that is the account mine is submitted with?
gonna enter.
can i use a combo that i already had recorded on instagram, though? otherwise i’ll just record the same exact combo to youtube haha.
Not only is that allowed, but highly encouraged!
Yes but you may need to log onto a different gmail account since the form is set to only allow one responce per person. If you have any trouble then message me and I will be able to plug his info directly into the spreadsheet.
Done and done, we’re both in on this one. Please do not pair us in the first round.