Jensen Kimmitt's Grandma Kimmitt Sandwich - Let's Play Yo-Yo - Ep. 006

Herro YoYoExpert folks :slight_smile:

Episode 006 of Let’s Play Yo-Yo is up now! In this episode I learn Jensen Kimmitt’s trick, Grandma Kimmitt Sandwich. I also talk about my new signature yo-yo the Forte, answer questions about my other hobbies and fixed axle yo-yoing. Oh, and I show you how I’m possessed by cartoon characters.

I hope you guys enjoy it, I had a lot more fun with this one :slight_smile:


Funny stuff! You should do a whole episode in a British accent :smiley: great stuff, I WANT THAT FORTE. I hope I win the contest ;D

Lol I should try that sometime, though it’d probably get annoying fast, I jump between voices a lot because one will start to fall apart and it’s easier to start a new one than to salvage an old one. Good luck with the Forte contest :slight_smile: I hope someone who really needs a yo-yo wins it, but if not, hopefully someone with an awesome colorway idea then ;D