Is this not the most beautiful yoyoing ever?

I really like where the contest scoring system is now. Its makes it so you have to do at least a little of everything to win, some speed, some tech, some horizontal, etc. In almost any sport/hobby to be the best, you have to be good at every aspect and yoyoing should be to different. Not to mention it also makes yoyoing look more appealing to non yoyoers. I could appreciate this video in all its beauty but to the non yoyo folk it probably all looks the same.


A good take! I can definitely see where you’re coming from.

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I respect your opinion but I must say… You can go bang out your best horizontal and all you gonna hear from a “non yoyoer” is… But can you walk the dog?? You can go horizontal or vertical and most non yoyoers will think most stuff looks the same.


Who cares about contests. Looks like fun but ultimately yo-yo is great because it is unique to each individual .


Everyone cares about different things. Lots of ppl care about contest. If you care you care, if you don’t you don’t. We all have different goals in life. I’ve always been very competitive and ultimately want to compete in the next 2 years :blush:


I think you’re right. I consider myself a yo-er, and still a lot of everything that’s much beyond my ability starts to blur. It’s all amazing and everyone, especially in those upper echelons, has their own style, but at a certain point it’s just like watching magic or olympic gymnasts or incredible artwork. “How the f___ do they do that” is the main emotion for me a lot of the time. That said, somehow watching certain people will connect with me more for whatever reason and I haven’t figured out why that is yet, but I keep watching and listening.


Saw this video for the first time over the weekend. That fool is insane! So much flow snd control, watched a few of his videos after in awe of his throwing.

The intro reminded me of this beautiful video…

Stupid youtube made them take the music out, but you can watch the video with music on a Chinese site I listed below the youtube vid.


Heck yeah man, nice job!!

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So hear what everyone is saying, but I watched a yoyo contest in the little city where I live. And I was spellbound. I played around with yoyos years ago. But I have never seen anything like that. Got me interested in yoyos again. And I can even walk the dog. Whenever someone asks me if I can do that trick, I usually have them try it after I show them what it looks like