Is there a tutorial for this trick?

Hello everyone!
I wanted to consult yoyoxpert’s wisdom:)
What is the name of the final trick(starting at second 53)in this fantastic video of Jensen?
Is there any tutorial?
Thanks greetings!

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Looks like it could be a mix of these two


You can probably just go frame by frame using the . And , keys on YT.


Thanks for the try, but I already know those tutorials;)
I have learned many combos thanks to Mr.Matio’s videos and the caribou cabin tutorials!

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I remember how more than 13 years ago I used this method to extract the complicated tricks of many great players by playing videos frame by frame on my old PSP! It was hard work, but I managed to perform many tricks. I’ve searched a lot on YouTube and I haven’t found this Kimmitt super combo :frowning: If in the end I can’t find it because there is no complete tutorial on this, I will have to try as you say… (but that is the most difficult way… Thanks for the suggestion;)


Did I not look at the right trick? I’ve watched it a few times and they look the same. Curious to know what you think is different.

If you look, in the original video Jensen plays the rope more than 30 times between jumps…if you add the jumps from the 2 tutorial videos they don’t even reach 17 jumps;)
Edit:I know what you want to tell me, that the tricks in the tutorials are part of the original combo, and you are right! (I learned those tutorials years ago) but there are many steps left to be able to assemble the original combo, which is what I want:)

This whole time I was just slowing down the speed, this is awesome to know!


Please,help me @Matio!