Is old meta still relevant for reviews?

I think you are spot on. It seems like competition has a strong influence, which, I think led to the organic resurgence - people wanted something designed to play chill

I think reviewers are afraid to say what they really think of a yoyo when they don’t like it because they don’t wan’t to upset any makers. Even if the reviewer says something bad about one company’s product then that company as well as other companies may not want to send them more products to review. That’s why every review ends up being the same generic thing over and over. This goes for all kinds of product reviews.


I think there’s is some truth to this. I also think that yoyos have been honed in, and most are really good. Bad yoyos, especially from anyone established in the game, are more and more rare. It’s more subjective, style based, personal preference, and opinion now.


Late response, but think this is very pertinent to the question and would hate to see the reviews start omitting such details. So to answer the question, yes, it’s still relevant to include information pertaining to tricks and elements that may or may not be popular today. Having only discovered and started throwing unresponsive yoyos two years ago, I was in search of the perfect yoyo. I quickly realized there is no one perfect yoyo, but rather various yoyos that may excel in certain areas, but perform less than stellar in other areas. Depending on the tricks I was learning, I would look for yoyos that performed well in each area in order to hopefully speed up the learning process. For example, I learned finger spins in a matter of minutes after researching the best yoyos for finger spins and purchasing and receiving a Czech Point Pivot. I have done this numerous times now for various elements. Sometimes it pays off well, other times, not so much, but since I decided to begin two hobbies, throwing and collecting, it suited my needs well.I imagine I am not the first or only person to approach yoyoing this way. I do believe it sped up the learning process for me, as well as permitted me to remain interested in and committed to yoyoing. I will not bore anyone with the why I would try to find an easier route of learning, but I will say that I did not want to become so frustrated with mastering the elements and/or techniques that it became not merely a challenge, but a nightmare. Somewhere between two and three hundred yoyos later, I have thought on more than one occasion that I should create a site and write up reviews highlighting all the strengths and weaknesses I have discovered in my quest for each perfect yoyo for a specific element or trick. Incidentally, I have talked myself out of it when considering the amount of time involved in doing it well. After reading through some responses, perhaps I might revisit the idea, as I am definitely not one who is afraid to be honest, even to a fault. I would not have an issue saying I found the yoyo to perform poorly, as I do not have aspirations of becoming sponsored, nor would I be doing this so as to make a living, it would be a meta hobby, if you will.