Instagram Help

Hey folks, I’m new to IG and need some help posting / managing content.

I had Rueben of atmos that wanted to repost one of mine and couldn’t for some reason. Do I have some sort of privacy setting on or something?

My posts too only seem to go to my followers , any way to open it up to a larger group?

How about hashtags? No idea how people manage these. Do you keep a text file or something with your regulars?

I’ve probably got a million other questions but I thought I’d start here. I’d like to try and up my game with some quality content. 107 followers as I post this.

Follow me here… peace love and yoyo


Not that familiar with IG myself, but it seems like your account being private would block any non-followers from seeing your posts.


Holy cow! 1700 followers already! Jk.


Let’s see what happens. Thanks.

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I’ve been told hashtags aren’t really functional anymore but I have a notepad with a list I copy paste into posts I hope get traction

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So, your account is private Joshua, I would say to put it public so your videos can go around, use a bit of hashtag like trickcircle, yoyo and similar stuff.

Start to post content frequently and stories, Instagram doesn’t like much people that do not post, I do a video a week (it takes time to create those combos) and some stories during the week.

Be active also within the community, put like and comments on other people post, make friends and similar stuff.

Also do not get stuck on the “followers” trap, followers are not really important but is important the reach of your post so like and comment, you can have 10.000 followers but 10 likes and one comment so it is quite uselss as no one is looking at your pics and video.

Point at the quality in what you do and take time to do it, if you want to step up your game it require much of an effort but it pay out, this is what I am doing with my account and is nice to make new friends and see people appreciating the work I am doing.

Do not worry to put yourself out there we are all nice, also thanks so much for the likes on my post mate!


Great photos! Following :smiley:

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Great advice @Albertino! Definitely take his word for it, he’s one of the best at not only consistently strong videos, but incredible tricks, I always love seeing your weekly combos! I’ve got a follow-up question for you Albertino, do you have any tips for lighting for yoyo videos? The lighting in your combo vids is so good and I’ve really been struggling to get consistent lighting. I’ve been considering getting an all black background and a soft light box to help with consistency, what do you think?


Hey! Thanks. I’m really an amateur but my wife who is a professional photographer says I have a good eye. iPhone kinda makes it easy.

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I feel like a consistent background and lighting setup is important. As far as light goes, maybe a simple ring light or two. More advanced light sources are obviously better. This stuff seems so widely available at this point with all of the content being created today.

I haven’t gotten to the point yet where I’m comfortable doing video so I’m going to stick to photos for now. Im just using natural light at this point and get some pretty cool shots. Eventually I want to be creating video for IG though.

Here is Pomodoro after running it down a couple of rails!! All the black rubbed right off with a light acetone application.


Maaan first of all thank you to be soooo kind all the time and follow my weekly trick and always have a good word :heart:
I have to say that I am a classic case of “i dont know what I am doing”, I know zero about light and photography but generally I follow couple rules.

Always film with the light behind the camera and when is light outside, i do not use artificial lights, i put my phone with behind a window and no lights behind me, in this way I use the natural light outside that come from the window, I see it got much better result than use artificial lights.

You need a good phone or recording source, probably this is the most important, I invested not even a year ago on a Samsung S23 Ultra which I will pay until I will go to retirement, but it worth it as the video/photo quality is just insane, i record everything 4k and 60fps and then Instagram will provide to destroy a bit the quality :joy:

Than I use a dark background and dark clothes, this is the most important thing also I use neon yellow strings that really pop up with me dressed full black and with the “dark” background, if you would like you can use the black background like many people does, I choose something different to create something “recognisable” as everyone use the dark background.

After recording, I do some colour correction in my case i remove a bit of light and do some more dark shadows so the string pop even more as everything become a little bit darker, than put some contrast and I put very down the warmth of the video so has that blueish tint (which is just my preference, I like how it looks), I usually mess a bit aroind with the settings but also the colour correction I try to keep it similar to make it recognisable to people. Ah, I use Inshot to edit the combo so nothing hard to use!

This is pretty much all I do, have a good sourcing record and stay with the light in front of you is what I try to do to have a clean video, than it happened thousand times that I came out blurried out of focus, or I didnt push the record button or I just play out of frame, all things that make you scream against God but in general is quite fun to do videos and is a satisfaction when its done! :slight_smile: