If you could have any three yoyos in the world, what would you get?

Pre- pro punchline
28 Stories wooly

right now iā€™d go with:

  1. green w/white stripe no jive 3-in-1
  2. natural/blue stripe laminated no jive 3-in-1
  3. black infinite illusions ā€˜girlsā€™ butterfly no jive 3-in-1

i mean i also really want the new flying vā€™s and the spyy pro, but those are on the way to me presently.

Iā€™d get;

  1. Anti-yo Fluchs
  2. Anti-yo BapeZilla
  3. Another Anti-Yo BapeZilla
  1. Leviathan 2
  2. CUT (Gaberusā€™s Black Music)
  3. CUT (shinyaā€™s Blue Acid)
  1. Primo
  2. MVP
  3. Ocho8Ocho
  1. 888
    2.woly marmot


  1. 3-1 nojive
  2. another 3-1 no jive
  3. i want a gm2 so freakin bad im going to kill myself

Yomega Fireball
Duncan Imperial
Duncan Wheels

lol jk it would be

Duncan MG
CLYW Gold Nugget Peak
General Yo HatTrick


  1. Wooly Marmot
  2. 1st run BvM
  3. New Breed

1-888 manufacturing YoYoFactory (the first old 1) (Pre-release Silver 888)
2-Higby Eight8eight
3-Jason Lee Eight8eight

as long that itā€™s 888 i love it :wink:

dude u should have wrote i love 8 lol any who
3.888 or a metal version of my auldey regal speed

1.Oxygene Ti
2.Duncan Mg
3.YYF Catch 22


freehand MG

Dm royal edition, just because the dm was my first real throw

If I could keep my current onesā€¦

  1. General Yo Magnum
  2. General Yo 5 Star
  3. General Yo Torrent II

If I couldnā€™t keep my current onesā€¦

  1. General Yo Essence
  2. General Yo MiniStar
  3. General Yo Magnum

1: Oxy 4 (polished)
2: 07 888
3: Hatrick

Close 4th would be Orange Peel 54 and Bassline.


The End



Hard to say cause I get in my moods where I want something different.

  1. Pre pro red/clear OG punchline. (got one coming in the mail. Thanks kanahmal!)
  2. First run peak with the mountains
  3. Hrmmm maybe a bpzl