🔥 Huuuge Round of Price Drops 🔥 Offset, Duncan, Yoyofactory, Yoyofriends, Onedrop and many many more!


Is the metal arrow still available

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Hey Hey. Yes, it is :+1:t5:

I’ll take it





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I just keep updating my bookmark reminder on this one hoping the next month I’ll have some spare funds to toss at that gamer or Hildy lol. For now free bump hopefully someone else buys them and removes the temptation.

I have bought multiple yo-yos from this thread and will probably buy more at some point. International shipping takes a bit but it’s always packaged really well.

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Thanks for the free bump @Captrogers . Appreciate it :pray:t4:


![Hildy Brps|374x500]
Hildy Brps 2
Is this responsive? I finally got the other wooden fixie I bought from you to respond by putting in a thicker string! I feel so accomplished. And can I see the X rated side of the other? Thanks, archi8esdad

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That is archiesdad

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Most wood fixed axles should play responsive. That’s a Hildy Bros. Azalea and definitely plays responsive.

If you’re having difficulty with response, sometimes it’s just that the string needs to break in. Either crank the torsion up (twist yo-yo clockwise or throw sidewinder to the right) and play like that for a few minutes. If that doesn’t work, you can play with the string double looped on the axle (as long as it sleeps in a way your happy with) or you can try a little beeswax chapstick on the string. I like to put a little on the midpoint of the string then wind it up and play, but some people put it on the loop. A little goes a long way with the beeswax.

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Hey Hey,
thanks for your message. Great to hear back from you. I sent you a PM :+1:t5:

Yeah, tinkering with fixie response can get frustrating but it’s also part of the fun to get it just right. Thanks for your tips @TryCatchThrow :+1:t5:

And yes, the Azalea is a responsive Fixie. It has a wooden sleeve you can change. It comes with a spare one…

