To my knowledge, it doesn’t.
What I’m saying is wants he GETS to subsequent rounds, he’ll want it.
To my knowledge, it doesn’t.
What I’m saying is wants he GETS to subsequent rounds, he’ll want it.
Is originality part of the scoring equation in later rounds? If no why would he WANT it?
I can find that anywhere on the WYYC site that says originality is part of the scoring equation for any rounds. Maybe I missed it.
Also, some of the most original freestyles I’ve ever seen weren’t particularly high scoring (eg Paul Kerbel)
A little surprised it’s not there explicitly.
What I can tell you is I’ve heard Gentry talk about this multiple times both in person, and I believe in his “how to be a yo-yo champion” series on YouTube.
My understanding is that trick originality plays a large role in both technical execution and performance evaluation categories for the finals routine:
1.) For the technical execution: judges are likely to to click elements they haven’t seen higher. Especially if they’re bangers. Double or even triple clicks.
2.) For performance evaluations: more original material helps out in number of categories (I would guess trick diversity and construction categories the most)
At the end of the day, it’s definitely rewarded to have unusual material in your finals routine.
Yep, you’re not wrong. Just because originality in a freestyle is important does not mean it’ll get you to first place on its own.
Paul’s freestyles often click very low.
It explicitly says it’s not part of the scoring. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but If judges are clicking original tricks higher then they aren’t clicking correctly according to what I’ve seen on the WYYC website.
This either applies only to earlier rounds (as in not finals) or is a modification from previous rules.
It does seem to be in direct contradiction to what I’ve heard directly from the horse’s mouth in previous years.
I’ll have to check it out…
Here are the scoring rules.
I don’t see any mention of originality in the detailed scoring rules for Trick Diversity either.
I will say that I agree that i have almost no original tricks in the prelim but in my final im planning for Nationals its a different story
and yes original tricks don’t impact your score. but they are usually cooler to watch
if it’s cooler to watch then it will affect the showmanship score, good luck bro👍
edit: the showmanship section said pure skill doesn’t count, idk if inventing new tricks is a pure skill. inventing new tricks is hard, you need experience, the reason why trick originality doesn’t count is because they want newcomer to have the chance to win, new combo is the better word, even then you still need exp to make a new combo.
Ehhh Hunter and the ante ppl were talking the other day about how judges are more likely to score elements they haven’t seen before higher than things they’ve seen a hundred times fwiw. I think you’re crushing it however this convo shakes out just keep up the good work yo.
thanks! and that’s true too. (that judges will score things higher if they haven’t seen it before). but there is also the possibility that they will underscore things that they haven’t seen before just because they don’t know what’s going on
showmanship is (as far as i can tell) not yoyo related things. its how your routine feels and the mood you give when on stage.
Yeah, so they appear to have really doubled down on not explicitly not emphasizing originality in tricks in the scoring. I will 100% concede that.
One thing I will note is that both of your text screenshots that specifically say originality ISN’T scored are from the regional yoyo contest rules website for the American National yoyo league, not the world yoyo contest. (Does this make any difference at all? I’m not sure).
Your second screenshot speaking against originality scoring specifically is from the showmanship category, which I didn’t mention being scored higher for trick originality. It’s something else entirely
The first screenshot of this type is from the technical execution category, and, according to the judges I have talked to, a board is more likely to score new elements higher.
But as you say, the National yoyo league explicitly says they shouldn’t be. Is this a grey area? Possibly. Its is also possible that since the years that I was studying up on the scoring system, the rules have cracked down on subjective clicking that rewards originality. Yes.
Personally, I think the latter is more likely.
This was not nearly as much the case in previous years, and I’m a little disappointed to see it to be honest.
However, as I said before, this is still in contradiction to the understanding that I worked to create by talking to judges in the mid to late 20-teens.
So I would be a little surprised if extra scoring for originality had totally gone out the window at this point. But at least the American National Yoyo League does seem to state more explicitly that its not considered, at least in the technical execution category.
yeah i realized that, silly me
The screenshots came from the WYYC 2023 site out of Japan. I don’t see anything about the ANYYL there.
i personally love the fact that originality doesn’t count, making new tricks or new combo needs you to have the knowledge that can only be retrieved by experience, i’m a relatively new player so ain’t no way i’m making new tricks, nuh uh
I assumed it was only on the NYYL because I just copied and pasted the text into google, and the only result that came up was from the National Yoyo League scoring, where that text is matched exactly.
They must have taken it from the WYYC site, and the WYYC site was subsequently modified.
Anyway, we’re going into the weeds here. If I remember to, I’ll have to message some judges, and see what they say…
NYYL actually changed the eval rules this year. there are only 4 category’s instead of 8 for finals and only 2 for prelims