Have a few yoyos for sale

Mk1 spyglass $50

One Drop Eclipse nmtbs $50

YYF R Type nmtbs $40 obo

YYF KO nmtbs $40 obo

Sengoku Nobumecha nmtbs $100 obo

Iyoyo Iceberg newer version nmtbs $50 obo

I also have a mib Inception with all extras and a Mfd Irradiated Guano bsp mib that i would possibly let go for the right price if any interest there.


Top Deck and Rev 1 Sold

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Fat tire still pending?

Not no more lol :sunglasses:

so sold or available? :joy:

No it is sold now, it was pending until Mon but he paid me this morning so its gone.




I just realized i forgot to put a time stamp in the picture, will fix in a while.

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