Hardcoat Ywet

I think the story goes that there were a bunch of unuseable ywets that anti-yo gave to companies to refinish and use.

Mine has this weird ano below the hardcoat. Does anyone know what it used to look like?
Do yall have one of these? Does it look similar?


I’ve got one. I etched Anti-Yo hearts w a carbide bit. No signif ano showing. Plays great!


Nothing on the bearing post either? Im guessing whoeever finished these left the bearing post intact to not have it be vibey.

The original was half red and half yellow from eBay I remember with large antiyo engravings in the cups.

Can’t find pictures currently

@AaronW may know where to find a pic of the og protos

Editing as I found some of photos:



I thought that I broke through the hard coat on my YWET but nope, it was just scraping off some gold from my wedding ring. Thank goodness it wasn’t anything serious!

Also, @edhaponik that etching looks great! Very tempted to do that to mine!


i want to add these to the YWET yoyowiki page, who should I credit?

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