Go Crucial!

As many of you know i am a huge fan of Crucial yoyo company.So this is my collection.In order from most used to least used.Tres Leche(milk 3)pre pro,Cream,Heavy Cream,Milk 2% as small bearing,MIlk 2% as large bearing.

Sorry for the link when I embed the images I get a box with a ? in it.Sorry for the inconvenience.
  Best regards,

Nice pics I really want a tres leches

Nice throws! Spinvious has some custom dyed (by Crucial) Half and Half’s for sale.

i want for my collection
metal tres leche

i have a metal tres leche and a half&half on hold
i just need 90$

nice crucial yoyos dude!
I love my heavy cream taro colour :smiley:

Nice collection.

nice collection ;D

I’ll just leave this here


why do yoou have 3 confectionS! I need a delicious to complete my collection.

Mmmmm… Rootbeer. I have a grape!

I have a delicious that is half Dexter splash and half silver with pink splash I’d be willing to sell for 80 shipped. Mint. Toss me a pm if you’re interested.
http://exazrael.imgur.com/TQ7KL Pics are here.

I have 3 confections because I use 1 of them for 1A and 2 for 3A.

is that also your two tone green delicious?

It was mine but a friend really wanted it so I sold it to him.

Gonna be mailing this one to Paul shortly.


Not here yet but I have this Prepro Metal Tres Leches coming!

And here is my Delrin Tres Leches (I call it Strawberry Milk - I believe someone tried to dye it one time)

I have a dexter edition and a silver/purple splash beat heavy creams.