So I’m very curious, for myself (and possibly to prove a point, one way or the other), how much interest there is for the flying lemon. I think they will sell very quickly. Glen is not so sure.
So, what say you? Will you be purchasing a Flying Lemon when they drop, possibly around April or may?(drop date subject to change)
100% buying one. I’m a sucker for anything outside of the typical spec range, and the unique bearing size seals the deal. I also happen to love the aesthetics. It’s pretty much the only “must buy” yoyo on my list right now due to the MR85 bearing.
If I have the money available when it goes on sale I will buy it (lately I have been very tight on cash). If I am caught broke, sooner or later I will end up buying it. I am very curious to try it:)
“Please, give generously to help our friend Glenn become fabulously wealthy, and supply us all with precious Flying Lemons” {“in the arms of the angles” softly plays in the background, images of tangled strings and dinged Yos scroll by}