Games for yo-yo's!

I’ve seen some other people do it, and if anyone here has a steam account, then they also have a large backlog of games that they haven’t played yet or never got into. So I am going to offer up some of my games for yoyos :slight_smile: Maybe something will catch your eye, who knows.

Okay, so here’s the list of games:
-And yet it moves
-Crayon Physics Deluxe
-Ghost Master
-Mafia 2
-Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum
-Penumbra overture
-Railroad Tycoon 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl
Pirates! (Sid miers(can’t spell his name D:))
Warhammer 40k DoWII
Flat out - ultimate carnage
World of Goo

All Humble Indie bundle games.
So from 1, 2, 3, 4, Frozenbyte, or Voxatron.
Games not already mentioned above:
-Cortex Command
-Revenge of the titans
Shadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds: Survivor
-Atom Zombie Smasher
-Frozen Synapse
-The Binding of Issac
-The Blocks that Matter

So those are the games that are up for trade. A lot of them are pretty interesting and fun games, but I have too many anyway. Also, here is my steam account. You can look through it and if something catches your fancy that I didn’t list, maybe we can work something out for that: Steam Community :: (ง︡'-'︠)ง
Right, so here’s the yo-yo’s that I would like to trade for:

Anything from SPYY, CLYW, One Drop
Anything from Zen Line

I’m really open to trading for any semi decent yoyo. These are just those on the ‘top’ of my list, so to speak.

So there you have it. If you have any questions, you can PM me or send me an email at . I hope I did this right :slight_smile: