FURIKAKE? (Furycake)

does anyone have a tutorial on how to do furikake? ive watched “a new level” so many times when takeshi shows furikake and i can’t get the beggining or the end :(. Does anyone have tips??

well i will buy the new level and i will try to learn it then teach it for you

okay cool. i really like the dvd it’s not as much a tutorial dvd as it is them just yoyoing. Theres maybe 8 or 10 tricks they show and furikake is probably the coolest but very hard to learn.

Is this it?

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No Offense but whomever made that video needs to learn editing, I can honestly say that that video ruined the trick for me, I couldn’t make it past the like 10th miss and rethrow. IT really messes up a tutorial video. Thanks for the find though, maybe the OP will be able to stomach it and it will aid them, however I will no longer wonder what this trick is.

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wow you are a douche he is just trying to help

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chill out dude. I found the tutorial very helpful.

it is a bad tut. no two ways about it. good trick, but he doesn’t talk like in andré’s, he doesn’t use text like in rethinkyoyo, he doesn’t slow it down like highspeedyoyo, all he does is do the trick, then do each part individually without any aid for those who can’t understand it. i have learned from bad tuts before and they can be helpful, but just editing out mistakes and little things goes so far.


I am not in the mood to make a tutorial but I know it and would be glad to answer any questions

tip: try a small stable yoyo. It helped me a little.


@lookayoyo seeing is beliveing :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really see this being relevant…

Must i make a tutorial for making tutorials? actually, now that i thought that, i kind of want to.

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