How exactly does this apply to “funny yoyo memes” again?
i dont know.
bad meme
I mean; I definitely done this… but yoyoing is way more fun
In the past, calling something a ‘meme’ was something that went viral and changed the way people felt of referred to something. Please try harder everyone.
Ok this one is good. Usually more contemporaneous meme formats are bland but this one I’m ok with.
I don’t get it? Sorry to dissect the frog but can some one explain?
I think it is trying to say even though the yo-yo you have at home plays great you still want more. But then I think I am old cause a lot of these memes I don’t find funny.
The yoyo at home is a Butter, but I want another one anyway!
I thought it was saying that the mom doesn’t understand what the kids mean by butter.
This thread made my day! LOL
Thanks for the explanation. I didn’t get it for ages
I tried thinking of how to explain it, but I don’t know how to explain memes…
@Glenacius_K has the closest explanation
So it’s a play on young kids asking their parents to stop for food like McDonald’s. “No we have food at home”. But then when they get home the food is like a pack of ramen or a cold hotdog or some other poor excuse for the thing that was asked for originally. Not necessarily a misunderstanding of what is being asked for, but more of an indifference.
My personal favorite variation was asking for Pokemon, mom saying we have pokemon at home, and it turning out to be Digimon.
Ah I see. Totally get it now.
You win the explanation prize.
So it’s like this? Me having a go at the meme.
a young @Durfee saying (in this example a bi-metal wangle already exists)
“Mum I want to get a Bi-metal Wangle”
“We have Bwangle at home”
“Bwangle at home = bi-metal styling wangle”
Very good one lol